
Exceptional Foot Surgeons in Durham, NC

Top-Tier, Patient-Centered Care for Every Podiatric Need

Your feet are the foundation of your well-being. Whether you are walking, running, or climbing steps, you need your feet to be in the right condition to help you get where you need to go. That is why the foot surgeons at North Carolina Specialty Hospital are extensively trained to treat every area of the toes, feet, or ankles.

What Is Podiatric Surgery?

Podiatric surgery is the surgical treatment of the bones, tissues, and muscles in the foot, ankle, and related lower extremity structures by an accredited and qualified podiatry specialist. The most common procedures performed by a podiatrist include:

Image of podiatrist wrapping a patient’s foot.

  • Bunionectomy
  • Hammertoe, claw, and mallet toe surgery
  • Neuroma surgery
  • Heel spur treatment
  • Tendon and ligament repairs
  • Toenail surgery
  • Metatarsal surgery
  • Ultrasound-assisted injection therapies
  • Debridement of skin lesions and ulcers
  • Biopsy of skin lesions

Podiatric surgeons have extensive training in their field and undertake rigorous additional study in the area of podiatry. The podiatrists at North Carolina Specialty Hospital have this training and more and are able to perform all of the above procedures for anyone in the Durham and Triangle Region, NC area.

Optimal Pre- and Post-Operative Care In and Around Durham, NC

One of the distinctions that sets North Carolina Specialty Hospital apart is our unparalled pre- and post-operative experience. Our caring and attentive staff works tirelessly to ensure that you are on the road to recovery as quickly as possible and with the best potential outcome. Whether you are looking for treatment of a more recent condition or want to finally rid yourself of the foot pain with which you’ve been dealing for years, the foot surgeons at North Carolina Specialty Hospital are ready to meet with you!

Request an appointment with a specially trained podiatrist and foot surgeon today!

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