Access your own patient portal, provided by NCSH.
Preadmission screening will be done within the week prior to your procedure. A nurse will be contacting you to review your medical history and instructions. If you are scheduled for inpatient surgery, we may request that you come to NCSH for preadmission testing prior to surgery. Medication instructions (to take or not to take medicines, especially for heart problems, blood pressure, diabetes and/or seizures) will be reviewed with you by your physician or at the time of pre-admission testing, prior to the day of surgery. If you become ill within a few days before your procedure, even with just a mild cold or flu symptoms, notify your physician. A nurse will call you the day before your surgery to notify you of arrival time. Transportation arrangements need to be made prior to the day of the procedure. You must arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home. That person is required to wait for you at the hospital. You will not be allowed to drive after receiving sedation.
Your surgery may be cancelled without a designated, responsible adult to drive you home. If your physician would like you to attend pre admission total joint replacement class we will notify you or you may call 919-956-9300 ext: 1230
Necessary Information for the day of your procedure:
After your surgery, you will be cared for in the Post Anesthetic Care Unit (PACU) and monitored until you are ready for discharge or admission to the hospital. Although the time varies, most patients are discharged 1 to 2 hours after surgery. You may have visitors in the recovery area once you are awake.
Every surgery can bring forth potential risk. We have provided documents below that are needed to be completed by surgical patients.
FAQs about “Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection”
What you should know before surgery
Frequently asked questions regarding surgical site infections
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